Jóvenes frente al abismo


  • Raúl Enrique Anzaldúa Arce


This text analyze is the critical condition of the young people in the global society. Parting from the conditions of unemployment, educative exclusion, poverty and marginal situation, itself analyze the effects that its problems haven the young people. The show ame characteristics of the two types principales of youngers: the incorporated young and disident young. Last analize the errors of youth and the difficulties from to expound and to impel proposeal of social transformation.



How to Cite

Anzaldúa Arce, R. E. (2007). Jóvenes frente al abismo. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (24), 105–134. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/421