Política, identidad y ritual: las aristas de las imágenes


  • Beatriz Isela Peña Peláez


baile, combate ritual, otomíes, imagen activada, subjetividad, experiencia


In Saint Miguel dance converges identity trends that involve historical, aesthetic and political elements shown as cultural references of otomies groups, involving tradition as living images; performative experience of the permanent fight between opposites and their own complementarity, fundament of a worldview. I analyse political role assumed by dance, preserved until twenty first century as an addition of aesthetic and artistic value of lived images to political and cultural source of images.



How to Cite

Beatriz Isela Peña Peláez, . (2018). Política, identidad y ritual: las aristas de las imágenes. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 1(47), 201–223. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/811