Zonas de experiencia

Subjetivación política/ relatos en movimiento


  • Patricia Medina Melgarejo


zonas de experiencia, subjetivación política, sujetos situados, memorias disidentes, resistencia/injusticia/emancipación, experience zones, political subjectivation, positioned subjects, dissident memories, resistance/injustice/emancipation


This work sustains an epistemic and methodological proposal in the investigative field, starting from the understanding of the experience zones, as processes and spaces of subjectivation and activation of the memories. For this purpose, an argumentative route is carried out at four moments; the first discusses the etymology and the problematization of the experience: political philosophy, social theory and the descolonizadores turns. The second one interrogates the action of the experience in the political subjectivation political starting from the sub/alternity, antagonism and emancipation process. The third develops the analysis of the accounts of injustice and emancipation of a teacher, fellow Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE) in Oaxaca. The fourth moment, supports the approaches of the epistemic proposal of the experience zones discussing the tensions and the methodological understanding of “other ways to investigateâ€.



How to Cite

Medina Melgarejo, P. (2017). Zonas de experiencia: Subjetivación política/ relatos en movimiento. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 2(46), 207–241. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/793