Dialéctica de la experiencia histórica


  • Josefina Vilar Alcalde


Communication media, industrias de la cultura, medios de comunicación, experiencia estética, interpretación, acción, culture industries, aesthetics experience, interpretation, action


Experience is the knowledge of the singular which includes the sensory way experience the world. Sometimes the artistic experience gets to (re)found collective subjectivity. Today media speeches present different forms of knowledge, fictional and realistic, that appeal to the emotions of their receptors. This article discusses some press photographs that synthesize what Walter Benjamin could recognize as dialectical images because they pose the urgent question about the sense of the disasters that humanity is witnessing everywhere. Part of the answer is that the redemption will happen, one way or another, through the media.



How to Cite

Vilar Alcalde, J. (2017). Dialéctica de la experiencia histórica. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 2(46), 67–91. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/788