Palabras vivas

Los archivos orales latinoamericanos y el 68 mexicano


  • Alejandro Cerda García


Facing the increasing use of oral archives regarding institutionalized violence during the recent history of Latin-American countries, this article reflects on their distinctive characteristics and contributions to debates about present time history, orality and testimonial practice. Having as referent oral archives recently conformed in Argentina, Chile and Mexico it is argued that their implementation faces methodological tensions regarding the unavoidable uses and political concerns of researching practice, as well as ethical implications of providing, processing and making available to a wide audience this kind of testimonies. Likewise, we discuss the problems faced while analyzing the militancy of testimonials and focusing testimonial practice from gender condition and ethnical belonging.



How to Cite

Cerda García, A. (2017). Palabras vivas: Los archivos orales latinoamericanos y el 68 mexicano. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (41), 225–250. Retrieved from