Algunos problemas que conlleva el ser psicoanalista y fundar instituciones psicoanalíticas


  • Fernando M. González


Instituciones psicoanalíticas, Sectas, Mitos, Analistas


This paper aims to describe some constricting effects of psychoanalytical institutions, such as the tendency of forming sect-type groups, which end up interfering substantially in the analysis of analysts. As the institucional dimension tends to become more unsubstantial or a sheer product of the projections of an internal world, it ends up being reflected in the «personal» problems of the analysts, hence the institutional bond is reduced to the sum of the family problems of the analysts. Additionally, even if the Freudian postulate of the myth of the father killed by his children helped thinking about the patricide ghost that haunt the institutions, it ended up becoming an obstacle to understand the differences between fathering and establishing. Reference is made in the text about different ways of founding and the assumptions implied by confusing father and founder.



How to Cite

González, F. M. (2009). Algunos problemas que conlleva el ser psicoanalista y fundar instituciones psicoanalíticas. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (29), 189–205. Retrieved from