Ética y micropolítica de la intervención psicosocial


  • Sara Makowski


identidad colectiva, ética, Intervención psicosocial, Despolitización, Micropolítica


This text explores the limits and the potential of forms of psychosocial intervention in current societal contexts. The first section of the text covers the contemporary socio-cultural transformations and their parallels on the plane of subjectivity and identity. The second section analyses two different intervention cases (one form public policy and the other form civil society) with the intention of breaking down the forms of de-politization and individual hyper-responsability in current intervention modalities. The third section of the text sets forth the central ideas for a psychosocial intervention proposal anchored in areas of ethic and micro-politics.



How to Cite

Sara Makowski, . (2008). Ética y micropolítica de la intervención psicosocial. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (27), 39–56. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/460