Viaje a la semilla

(El niñopan, los tlaloques, el agua y las semillas)


  • Jóse Luis Martínez Ruiz


In February two, the day of the Virgen de la Candelaria, at the porch of the church of San Bernardino de Siena, occurs —probable— the most important ceremony of Xochimilco town, its about the presentation of Child-God —named Niñopan— before God´s house. At this day, hundreds of peregrines took in his arms images of children gods, lay down in baskets, surrounded by seeds, chayotes, flowers and candles. The objective of this ceremony is to receive a mass blessing water from the fathers of the catholic church. In many studies pointing, how the Mary’s devotions has been integrated to her faith, preshispanics cults that has relationship with the agriculture, fertility, astrology, hills o mountains, water, earth and others issues. In that sense, this article, propose that the Niñopa´s ceremonies and, the others cults of Children-Gods, has to be considers like extensions of Mary/s devotion and integrated to the cults of water and agrarian ceremonies.



How to Cite

Martínez Ruiz, J. L. (2007). Viaje a la semilla: (El niñopan, los tlaloques, el agua y las semillas). TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (20), 149–170. Retrieved from


