La diversidad en el curso de vida: axiomas para repensar el envejecimiento gitano en Argentina.


  • Fernando Rada Schultze
  • Mariana Cataldi



Envejecimiento, comunidad gitana, género, discriminación, curso de la vida.


From the life course paradigm, the impact of historical time and the meaning that people attribute to it are considered turning points. These significant milestones act as a hinge on vital trajectories, resulting in diferential aging. Starting from the premise that old age is a construction in life course, this paper analyzes how ethnicity, gender and discrimination are valuable aspects of the ways in which old age is built differently. This paper argues that belonging to a historically stigmatized minority has an impact on the ways of aging and on the type and quality of life. In this sense, making use of in-depth interviews and historical and document analyses the present paper proposes to discover the perception that the Roma community has on their own aging and old age, to do this it will seek to identify what the facts are that they consider significant turning points in their life course and how they result in a differential old age.



How to Cite

Rada Schultze, F., & Cataldi, M. (2023). La diversidad en el curso de vida: axiomas para repensar el envejecimiento gitano en Argentina. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 33(57), 253–288.