“Lo peor que le puede pasar a un gay es ser viejo y pobre”: imaginarios y experiencias respecto de la vejez no heterosexual


  • Abraham Nemesio Serrato Guzmán




The objective of this paper is to address the ways in which a group of eight non-heterosexual men between 59 and 72 years old (homosexuals and gays), residents of the city of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico, visualize and experience old age and some of the main issues associated with it such as retirement and economic security, health, dependency, care, friendly and family relations; considering, from the paradigm of life course, both their different family, educational, work and sexual trajectories; which have been marked by the concealment and censorship of their sexual orientation, even taking into account the social conjunctures and changes in social connotations associated with having a sexual orientation or a non-normative gender identity that occurred throughout their life course. 



How to Cite

Serrato Guzmán, A. N. (2023). “Lo peor que le puede pasar a un gay es ser viejo y pobre”: imaginarios y experiencias respecto de la vejez no heterosexual. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 33(57), 153–184. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/974