

  • Diana Gabriela Terán Hernández


Vejeces, experiencias, personas mayores, vínculos intergeneracionales, son jarocho.


This paper shows different experiences of aging within a cultural and musical expression: the huapango and son tuxteco. The objective is to reflect on the heterogeneity of ways in which old age is lived and on the elements that support these cultural expressions at this stage. In this cultural manifestation, older people are valued by new generations for their
musical knowledge and experiences. From a qualitative perspective, three biographical stories are exposed to illustrate different experiences in which the lives of these elderly people have developed, an outlining their work, musical and dance careers, health aspects, as well as the importance of their intergenerational links. It should be clarified that this paper is part
of an ongoing investigation, for which the material presented is suggestive to raise questions that arrive in the future as inputs.



How to Cite

Terán Hernández, D. G. (2023). Español. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 33(57), 97–126. Retrieved from