Experiencias en luz neón

Narrativas de una mujer escort


  • Marco Antonio Montiel Flores


sex work, escort, subjectivity, body, resistance


This paper presents some questions and reflections on the world of escort  support, based on the experience and life history of “Lucía”, a 45-yearold woman who is dedicated to this highly paid form of sex work. The in-depth conversations and interviews took place relatively recently (late 2018 and early 2019) south of Mexico City. The names and personal data were changed at the request of the interviewee.  It should be noted that the core ideas of this text are part of an ongoing research work; for this reason, the reader will find more questions than answers.
It starts from considering sex work and prostitution as social phenomena of different edges and nuances. Similarly, for its understanding it is necessary to take into account the knotting of complex life  istories, family and emotional contexts, as well as cultural and economic imperatives. Likewise, and from a qualitative perspective, the primary interest is to expose what “Lucia” says, feels and thinks. The main virtue of this essay –I consider– lies precisely in that it allows an approximation to the significant universe of an escort woman.
The text is divided into four central sections. The first presents a brief  account of the theoretical-political positions regarding prostitution and sex work, as well as their own ideas about the phenomenon; sections two and three focus on the testimony of “Lucia”; the last block is made up of the final reflections of the essay.

Author Biography

Marco Antonio Montiel Flores

Estudiante de la Maestría en Psicología Social de Grupos e Instituciones por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco



How to Cite

Montiel Flores, M. A. (2021). Experiencias en luz neón: Narrativas de una mujer escort. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 32(55), 13–39. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/931

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