La poética de lo múltiple a partir del caso Cráter Invertido


  • Mario Morales Domínguez


imaginación política, la Jovencita, multitud, #YoSoy132, movimientos sociales


If we follow to Boris Groys, it is necessary to make a turn in our understan-ding of art, from Aesthetics to Poetics. The purpose of this text is to make a reflexion about the consequences of this turn into art theory. First, we explore the theoretical consequences on concepts such as “modern art”, but also the subject, multitude and contemporary chaos-world. In a second section, we expose the Cráter Invertido case, a group of artists that uses the political imagination on the production of their work and on the constitution of itself as a collective. We conclude that to move from Aesthetics to Poetics in art criticism, it is necessary to leave behind lots of assumptions that we have now and we have to start to integrate new factors to the debate, as we do in this text with the political imagination of Cráter Invertido.



How to Cite

Mario Morales Domínguez, . (2018). La poética de lo múltiple a partir del caso Cráter Invertido. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 1(47), 105–133. Retrieved from