Contar historias: experiencia subjetiva y psicosis

Reflexiones a propósito de una investigación antropológica


  • Yébenes Escardó Zenia


discurso, Psicosis, discourse, delirio, experiencia subjetiva, psychosis, delirium, subjective experience


From a previous reflection, product of a field and documentary work, in the following article you will find the development of an intricate doubt in the study field of psychosis: How to speak of an experience that imposes its violence to those who suffer it without adding as well the violence of the interpretation of someone who apparently "knows what it is talked about"? Question that reveals a current interrogative in the social field research on psychosis: how we tell what we tell about psychosis. It is proposed a reflection to think about the disciplinary limits around the word, the experience and subjectivity.



How to Cite

Yébenes Escardó Zenia, . (2017). Contar historias: experiencia subjetiva y psicosis: Reflexiones a propósito de una investigación antropológica. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, 2(46), 113–153. Retrieved from