Verdugos del Estado:la corporización del mal


  • Natalia Pérez Vilar


subjetividad, banalidad del mal, torturador, irreflexión, juicio


This article studies about evil, not as an abstract concept, but in their forms of exercise and embodied in his executors, perpetrators at the State service, pieces of an stablishment that violate, terrify, disappear others.The main question is, assuming they are part of a system that exceeds and orders them to take this actions, what kind of emotions get trigger in them by exercising cruelty on another human being? Approaches on Hannah Arendt’s theories of the banality of evil are explored and reflected if they are relevant to explain the torturer who directly abuse the victim’s body, unlike the “desk murderers” who acted with a real and symbolic distance of their actions consequences. For this analysis, it uses the last military dictatorship in Argentina where torture was practiced as an instrument to suppress the political dissent.



How to Cite

Natalia Pérez Vilar, . (2017). Verdugos del Estado:la corporización del mal. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (44), 127–157. Retrieved from