Posibilitar otras familia-s

La apertura hacia otras construcciones en la noción de familia


  • Jorge Pérez Alarcón


diversidad, Familia, Deconstrucción, intervención familiar


This paper emphasizes the importance of deconstructing the term family in order to find its true diversity, not only as demographic data but as an element of disruption in social relations. It argues that in the field of family the intervention must think and accept diversity. Four elements that the practice of intervention should contain are proposed: 1) to identify the dominant family discourses, 2) to identify their systematic polarities, 3) to make a disseminating reading and 4) to think about other family possibilities to come.



How to Cite

Jorge Pérez Alarcón, . (2012). Posibilitar otras familia-s : La apertura hacia otras construcciones en la noción de familia . TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (35), 103–121. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/590