Baile y pedagogía


  • Antonio Paoli


Danza, Pedagogía, Jugar y vivir los valores, Expresión corporal


In this chapter we will come near to the spirit who guide the practices of corporal expression and of the dance that is danced in the program To play and To live Valores (jvlv). Some of the central questions that are tried to respond are: Which are the central objectives of the dance in this program? Which is its importance? How Integra the corporal expression, and particularly the dance, with the set of practices of the program? How one causes with the dance the automatic control and the free expression of psique? What importance has the dance for the integration of the group to the interior of the classroom? How aid to the development of affective intelligence? The dance comprises of a set of pedagogical practices fundamental to transform, positively and efficiently, the scopes of sense dedicated to the basic education. The dance, is used in this educative program like factor, that along with others, can be transformers of the scopes of sense to generate major harmony.



How to Cite

Antonio Paoli, . (2010). Baile y pedagogía. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (32), 305–320. Retrieved from