Apuntes sobre linchamiento y la construcción social del miedo


  • Gustavo Rojas


subjetividad, Vínculos, Representaciones, Colectivos


Notes on lynching and the social construction of fear. This paper investigates the links between the collective action of the crowds and modeling of social subjectivity through the mass media. Since the events of San Juan Ixtayopán, explores some of the main theoretical formulations on the crowds and interpretations about the lynching. This allows for a preliminary list of problems, which in the comparative analysis show a persistence in the explanation. Lynching of Tláhuac were, hmong other things, a mediatic relevant fact. Transmitted live on radio and television, repeated ad nauseam, entered into subsequent phases in the political struggle general argues in this new arena of politics that are the media. Finally, it outlines some links on the representations of violence on television and the social construction of fear in the public, to provide elements for subsequent inquiries. The role of the media in the social construction of subjectivity is the focus of this work.



How to Cite

Rojas, G. (2009). Apuntes sobre linchamiento y la construcción social del miedo. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (30), 135–158. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/517


