A la entrada del laberinto

Reflexiones en torno a la violencia masculina


  • Marta Torres Falcón


This article presents an overview on the relationship between masculinity and violence in its different expressions. It emphasizes the relevance of culture and social institutions in repressing and penalizing some forms of violence, and at the same time tolerating and even justify other expressions of the same phenomenon. Some features of violence are described which men exert against themselves, against other men and mainly against women (like sexual harassment, rape, and wife battering). Finally, some possible lines of research and action are suggested



How to Cite

Torres Falcón, M. (2007). A la entrada del laberinto: Reflexiones en torno a la violencia masculina. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (17), 35–49. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/311