El despertar de la feminidad bajo la luz de la Psique


  • Elena Castillo Sánchez Mejorada


This essay attempt to make an analysis about the awakening of the feminine. The myth written by Apuleius shows, in a clear way, the process towards evolution of Psyche, through initiations rites. Begins describing the fury of Afrodite, because Psyche's beauty, and the dead punishment that she imposes to her. But instead of dead, she rebirths to a new form of life, into Paradise, with a nocturnal husband, that commands two conditions: never ask how he looks, never see him. Time passes and she begins to feel a new kind of death. Decided to see, she breaks the prohibition and he returns back to his mother. Psyche looks after him. Afrodita tries to obstruct the reuniting and demands her to resolve different tasks, so she faces the unknown. The love she feels for Eros gives her the courage to struggle with all the troubles. So the Metamorphoses of the soul, (psyque in Greek) begins. She integrates the feminine with the masculine, the carnal love with the spiritual love, the visible and the invisible. She unites the polarities of the conscious and the unconscious, and finally she achieves complementary in herself.



How to Cite

Castillo Sánchez Mejorada, E. (2007). El despertar de la feminidad bajo la luz de la Psique. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (14/15), 185–221. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/282