Economía del masoquismo y del goce femenino


  • Virginia Poo Gaxiola


This essay analyzes the masochism and feminine jouissance (enjoyment) from the libido economy psychoanalytic position (l'economie de la jouissance) as treated in some works on general sexuality and feminine sexuality by Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. The main thesis is demonstrating that masochism and feminine jouissance are both based in the fact that women experience a jouissance far beyond the phallic regulation, trying to symbolize it in their own ghost (phantasme) through a masochist position. This thesis is supported on a thorough lecture of Freudian texts about the irreducible difference among sexes, as well as in Lacanian concepts differentiating between jouissance phallique (enjoyment phallic) and jouissance de l'Autre or une joussance au-delá du phallus (enjoyment Other or enjoyment beyond the phallus). Never intending to end the debate on feminine sexuality and feminine jouissance, this essay looks forward to establish it through the new categories taught by Lacan, some of which, in the authors' opinion, are already outlined in the works by Sigmund Freud, the initiator of Psychoanalysis.



How to Cite

Poo Gaxiola, V. (2007). Economía del masoquismo y del goce femenino. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (14/15), 145–168. Retrieved from