Los Ñáñingos. Sociedad secreta


  • Bertha Esther Fernandez


The traffic of African slaves -The Negro Trade- took a numerous population a variety of regions, especially South Nigeria and Camerún, to different places of America. In Black África there used to be secret societies composed by different tribes that could get to have a powerful domain over the population. In 1836, the African slaves population in Cuba founded an Ekpe type Secret Society which is still in operation until now. Ñañigos or Abakuá, is the Cuban society of African origin, thanks to which it's bee possible to conserve African I traditions and customs with high degree of fidelity. The strength of african nationality, together with the spanish one, forms an important part of the cuban nationality



How to Cite

Fernandez, B. E. (2007). Los Ñáñingos. Sociedad secreta. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (13), 43–55. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/255


