Los imaginarios sociales

Del concepto a la investigación de campo


  • Ana María Fernández
  • Mercedes López
  • Enrique Ojám
  • Xabier Imaz


In this article the Castoriadis notion of “Social Imaginaries” is taken to develop an empirical research. It shows how a group dispositive based on dramatic multiplication and a specific way to analyze that productions are appropriate tools to research social imaginaries. This work is based on a collective experience called “Jornada de Producciones Grupales” which is developed by Cátedra Teoría y Técnica de Grupos “I”, at Facultad de Psicología, UBA., and which systematic development was the start of an inquiry into student imaginaries. It is shown how a method of research based on psycodramatic work with groups is a proper qualitative tool to identification and analysis of discursive and extra discursive forms which are related with the presence of social imaginary productions inside the institutions. Some of that imaginary significations identified along the last few years are presented - they show some transformations of several universes of social senses of this days- ; as well as a survey used as a complementary resource in the research of students imaginaries specially focused on their university studies and their professional future as Psychologists within the frame of this country social and economic crisis.



How to Cite

Fernández, A. M., López, M., Ojám, E., & Imaz, X. (2007). Los imaginarios sociales: Del concepto a la investigación de campo. TRAMAS. Subjetividad Y Procesos Sociales, (22), 145–179. Retrieved from https://tramas.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/tramas/article/view/393